📖ANS DAO Constitution

The ANS DAO constitution defines legitimacy of governance actions through a list of binding rules.

The ANS DAO recognizes the Algorand Name Service to be an essential community good for the Algorand community and shall abide by these binding rules while exercising its authority to take action. These rules also form the articles of organization of ANS DAO LLC.

The articles of this constitution are inspired by that of ens.domains.


  1. Domain name: A human-readable name that represents a network resource (such as an Algorand account address, smart contract APP_ID, or a standard asset's ASA_ID) on the Algorand platform. Domain names are period separated alphanumeric strings that are arranged hierarchically from right to left with the highest-level domain (known as the Top-level domain) being the rightmost string after the rightmost period

  2. Domain owner: The digital network resource that registered the domain name by paying domain fee to the registrar and is identified by unique digital identifier such as wallet address, APP_ID, or ASA_ID. This network resource may belong to an individual or group of individuals.

  3. Domain Registry: An Algorand Stateful smart contract that stores and manages the collection of valid and expired names and is represented by the top-level domain name. The domain registry also collects name registration fees in its escrow account.

  4. Domain Registrar: The domain registrar is the controller of the Domain Registry and can make changes to the smart contract's logic and can authorize fund disbursements from the registry's escrow account. The ANS DAO is the registrar of all registries deployed and maintained by the Algorand Name Service.

  5. Name policy: The terms of registration agreed upon between the registrar and the domain owner. This includes the pricing of names (currently based on transparent criteria such as length of names) and the eligibility period to renew or transfer a name.

I. Name ownership must not be infringed

The ANS DAO must not enact any change to an ANS domain registry that will infringe upon or unfairly discriminate against, the domain name owners' rights to retain, use, renew, or transfer the names they own.

II. Name registration fees are primarily an incentive mechanism

The name registration fees are primarily meant to deter speculative buying and long-term hoarding of names by making it economically infeasible to do so. Changes to the name policy or adjustments to the pricing must also follow the same ethos. A secondary purpose of these fees is to provide the ANS DAO with the resources to support improvements, future development, and expansion of ANS.

III. Earnings fund ANS operation and other community-goods

The earnings from collecting name registration fees and other sources must be mainly used for covering ANS operation costs and for funding community projects. Operation costs include cloud hosting charges wherever applicable, third-party audit costs, and other charges incurred from leveraging partnerships and services for the betterment of ANS. Operation costs may additionally include remuneration to core team members and community contributors for their efforts and contributions. The remaining amount in a fiscal term can be used for funding other (not related to ANS) community projects and efforts towards providing community goods and services.

IV. ANS TLDs must be consistent with the global namespace

New Top-Level Domains (TLDs) may be created by the ANS DAO however all TLDs must be consistent with the global namespace including that of DNS and name services in other crypto platforms. ANS DAO must not create new TLDs that already exist and are being actively used in other crypto platforms and DNS.

V. Amendments to this constitution by majority vote

Changes to this constitution may be made only by a two-thirds majority and at least 10% of all tokens participating in the vote.

Last updated