🏛️ANS DAO and Governance
The ANS DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization on the Algorand network that governs the Algorand Name Service treasury and name policy.
The ANS DAO Overview
The Algorand Name Service (ANS) provides community-driven and -operated name service infrastructure for the Algorand community. And the ANS DAO governs and manages the treasury and name policy through a collection of smart contracts on Algorand.
Key components of ANS DAO include:
ANS DAO Constitution: The list of binding rules that defines legitimacy of governance actions.
Governance Process: The formal process followed by DAO constituents to carry out an action
Governance Token: The digital asset used to vote on governance proposals
DAO Legal Entity: The legal business entity representing the ANS DAO to fulfill tax obligations
Registries of ANS top-level domains (such as .algo) are Algorand Stateful smart contracts and can be updated only by the ANS DAO smart contract. Further, all payments made for name registrations are secured in the registry smart-contract escrow account and its logic authorizes only the ANS DAO smart-contract to disburse funds.
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